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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2006 - 31/12/2008

Environmentally Sound Fisheries Management in Marine Protected Areas

The objective of this research project was to gather information on the distribution and impacts of fishing activities in Natura 2000 sites in German EZZ.

Even if the initial focus wasn't to provide advice (at the beginning of the project there wasn't sufficient information for ICES to do it), information gathered during the 3 years finally allowed ICES to provide advice on options for fisheries management that will help achieve the objectives of the German Natura 2000 sites.

List of Partners

  • ICES (International Council for Exploration of the Sea), contracted by the German government.
  • Members of fisheries industry organisations
  • Members of international conservation groups participated in workshops.

Work packages

German Natura 2000 sites are designated for:

  • Habitats: Shallow sandbank and reefs
  • Species: harbor and porpoises
  • Birds

EMPAS analysed and assessed:

  • potential conflict between fishing activities and conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 sites
  • mitigation measures to reduce these conflicts and their effectiveness to ensure favourable condition in these sites.

Useful outputs for MAIA

For each of the ten Natura 2000 sites designed in German EEZ, ICES provided different management options for fisheries management in order to achieve favorable conservation status.
However, a number of advices can be useful for fishing activities management in other Natura 2000 sites or MPA.

Report of the EMPAS project (Environmentally Sound Fishery Management in Protected Areas)

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Site mis à jour le 21/10/2021
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