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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2009 - 31/12/2011

Responsible fishing

The PRESPO project aims to collect a set of scientific information that will improve the artisanal fisheries management, increasing their sustainability in biological, environmental, social and economic terms

List of Partners

  • IPIMAR (lead partner), AGLIA, IFREMER
  • AZTI Tecnali -centro Tecnologico del Mar y los Alimentos
  • FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
  • IFAPA - Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera
  • RICEP - Réseau d'Informations et de conseil en économie des pêches
  • CEP - Centro de Experimentación Pesquera
  • UCA - Universidad de Cádiz
  • UHU - Universidad de Huelva

Work packages

  1. Project coordination
  2. Management and collection of knowledge
  3. Management model
  4. Socio economic diversification
  5. Commercial optimization
  6. Selectivity and discards

Useful outputs for MAIA

  • Mapping of the artisanal fishing activities within PRESPO's area (final reports and interactive map of the WG2)
  • Possible valorisation of the WG4's results about diversification within MAIA

En savoir plus

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