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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2005 - 30/06/2008

Transboundary networks of MPA for integrated conservation and sustainable development: biophysical, socio-economic and governance assessment in East Africa.

The goal is to develop scientific knowledge for the creation of transboundary networks of MPAs in the East African region. In particular relating to type, size and location of reserves, which together can maintain ecological functions, resource-uses and future socio-economic developments. The final outcomes are options for zoning plans for two contrasting situations, which encompass a significant fraction of the biogeographical range of the region.

List of Partners

  • Institute of Marine Sciences - University of Dar es Salaam
  • ICAT Instituto de Ciência Aplicada e Tecnologia
  • Fundação da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Laboratório Maritimo da Guia - IMAR
  • World Maritime University
  • Högskolan I Kalmar
  • Overseas Development Group (UEA)
  • The Natural History Museum, London
  • University of Cape Town
  • Centre for Sustainable Development for Coastal Zones
  • Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
  • Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
  • South African Association for Marine Biological Research

Work packages

  1. Gathering and synthesizing of existing knowledge and databases; mapping habitat types and coastal land- and sea-uses
  2. Assessment of biophysical data
  3. Evaluation of the sources of human income
  4. Assessment of the institutional, legal and policy framework for decision-making.
  5. Development of options for zoning plans.


  • Production of an extensive and complete compilation o diverse existing information integrating the various sources of habitat and resource use information, address basic knowledge gaps and merge all information in an appropriate GIS System
  • Studies on the biodiversity patterns and habitat condition in the considered areas, including basic biodiversity along nested spatial scales, biodiversity hotspots and connectivity potential.
  • Analysis of sources of income and uses of natural resources by local populations, including gender issues and assessment of expected socio-economic development scenarios in a multi-criteria analysis.
  • Analysis of governance frameworks, namely policy, legal and institutional, and assessment of operational and state of management
  • Development of options for zoning in the considered marine transboundary areas, using computer-based algorithms modulated by research data and stakeholders validation of options.

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