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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2009 - 31/12/2012

Channel Habitat Atlas for marine Resource Management.

The objective is to develop an atlas as a « toolbox » to help in decision-making and planning for both sound governance and sustainable management of the Channel sea's marine resources and human activities. The project is the continuation of CHARM (2003-2005) and CHARM 2 (2006-2008).

List of Partners


  • Station Marine de Wimereux/Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL-LOG) ;
  • Université de Caen (UCBN-LBBM/UMR 100) ;
  • Pôle halieutique Agrocampus Rennes (AGRO-PH) ;
  • Université de Rennes 2 (UHB-RESO) ;
  • Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO-AMURE).


  • Universityof Greenwichat Medway (UoG) ;
  • University of Kent (UoK-DICE) ;
  • CEFAS ;
  • PlymouthMarine Laboratory (PML) ;
  • Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS) ;
  • Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (MBA) ;
  • Universityof Plymouth (UoPI-MI) ;
  • Marinelife Ltd ;
  • Universityof Exeter, Cornwall Campus (UoE-CEC) ;
  • University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation (UoP-CEMARE).

Work packages

  1. Collection & standardisation of information
  2. Information integration
  3. Tools & communication of information


1:Inventory of available data, Phyto- & zoo- plankton, Ichtyoplankton, Benthic invertebrate, Habitat classification, Fisheries activity, Legislation.

2:Mapping & Habitat, Economic situation, Climatic change, Trophic food web, Spatial planning.

Useful outputs for MAIA

Already available the version from CHARM 1 & 2

The final atlas with the changes and upgrades from CHARM 3 will be available at the end of the project.

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Site mis à jour le 21/10/2021
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