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Projets et initiatives


01/06/2009 - 31/07/2012

Partnerships Involving Stakeholders in the Celtic Sea Ecosystem

PISCES aims to introduce an ecosystem approach to marine management across a number of countries, cultures and sectors that will be relevant and useful to people operating within and around the Celtic Sea (stakeholders). This international partnership is working with a common goal - to find ways to manage activities more sustainably. The key to the success of this project will be a set of practical guidelines.
Our three specific aims are:
1. To bridge the knowledge gap by developing an understanding of the ecosystem approach with stakeholders.
2. To produce a set of stakeholder-led guidelines to implement an ecosystem approach to managing activities in the Celtic Sea which can then be disseminated and applied throughout other maritime regions in the EU.
3. To challenge existing and test new creative methodologies and processes for stakeholder engagement.

List of Partners

  • WWF-UK,
  • The Environment Council,
  • WWF Spain,
  • Coastal and Marines research Centre in Ireland,
  • Sea Web-FR.

Work packages

  1. workshop: understanding the ecosystem approach (UK)
  2. workshop: formulating guidelines (Ireland)
  3. workshop: refining the guidelines (France)
  4. workshop: guidelines - the practical measures (UK)


  • Hold a series of workshops and online tutorials to inform the process of developing a set of practical guidelines to implement an ecosystem approach to marine management in the Celtic Sea.
  • Ensure the process is stakeholder-led
  • Develop an online mapping tool (see below)

Useful outputs for MAIA

  • Final guidelines will be produced in December 2011
  • PISCES interactive map is an online mapping tool which displays layers of data describing the Celtic Sea environment. The map includes site boundaries of different types of MPA alongside human impacts such as oil and gas, shipping and telecommunications. The map enables information to be shared between sectors.
  • Publications

En savoir plus

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