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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2010 - 31/12/2012

Marine protected areas in the Atlantic arc

The purpose of MAIA is to create a network of MPA managers, which will take initiatives on an international level in terms of designation, governance and management and be involved in the development of a representative, consistent, efficient and accepted network of Marine Protected Areas in the Atlantic arc.

List of partners

United Kingdom

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)

Natural England (NE)

South West Food and Drink - Finding Sanctuary



Agence des aires marines protégées (Lead Partner)

Association du Grand Littoral Atlantique (AGLIA)

Comité National des Pêches et des Elevages Marins (CNPMEM)



Xunta de Galicia - Consellería do Mar

Universidad de A Coruña - Recursos Marinos y Pesquerías



Instituto Nacional do Recursos Biológico I.P. (INRB I.P./IPIMAR)

Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade (ICNB)

Work packages

  • WP1 State of play : A common understanding between partners
  • WP2 : Developing common monitoring strategies
  • WP3/ Management plan development and implementation
  • WP4 : Stakeholders involvement in MPA designation and management
  • WP 5 : Communication and dissemination
  • WP6: Project coordination


  • WP1 State of play : A common understanding between partners

Ensure that all partners and stakeholders concerned by MPAs understand the legislative context and drivers on a national, European and global level regarding MPAs.

  • WP2 : Developing common monitoring strategies

Develop a coherent approach for monitoring the impacts of MPAs across the project area, to enable future comparison and more general understanding of the effects of MPAS on the environnement and humans.

  • WP3/ Management plan development and implementation

For MPAs across the project area compare how management plan documents are structured and implemented, recommend a coherent framework for the development of management plan.

  • WP4 : Stakeholders involvement in MPA designation and management

Improve engagement of national and international stakeholders in identification and management of MPAs. Explore and pilot different tools and approaches to enhance and assist stakeholders' participation.


ERDF Atlantic area program

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