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Projets et initiatives

Habit-Change Adaptative management for protected areas

The project's overall objective is to evaluate, enhance and adapt existing management and conservation strategies in protected sites to pro-actively respond on likely influences of CC as a threat to habitat integrity and diversity. Furthermore, a monitoring concept is being developed to detect changes caused either by human activity or climate change effects. This will be a very valuable information and tool especially for the administrations of nature protected areas.

Specific Objectives

Identify potential CC induced threats,

Evaluate existing management practices,

Derive a set of indicators reflecting local-scale effects,

Establish monitoring measures based on earth observation data and ground truthing,

Model regional climate change effects and risks for protected areas,

Support protected site authorities with decision support tool,

Adapt management plans, strategies and measures of protected areas to climate change effects,

Foster awareness rising on the demand for adaptive management,

Recommendations for CC adapted guidelines regarding protected areas on national and EU-level.


Useful outputs for MPA practitioners

Ivajnsi?, D.; Kaligari?, M. (2012): Rising of a sea-level as a consequence of climate change and its impact on endangered coastal habitats, 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology in Glasgow 2012, Abstract [PDF-Document 268 kB)

Ivajnsi?, D.; Kaligari?, M.; Sajna, N.; Mozeti?, B. (2011): Early Succession on Successfuly Restored and Recreated Costal Habitats in Skocjan Inlet (Norther Adriatic Sea), Poster Presentation at International Conference "Vegetation in and around water: patterns, processes and threats", Lyon, France, June 20- 24, 2011. [PDF-Document 7,4 MB]


Dr. Marco Neubert
Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development
Weberplatz 1, 01217 Dresden, Germany
Fon: +49 (0) 351 4679-274, Fax: +49 (0) 351 4679-212
E-Mail: M.Neubert(at)

Dr. Sven Rannow
Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development
Weberplatz 1, 01217 Dresden, Germany
Fon: +49 (0) 351 4679-274, Fax: +49 (0) 351 4679-212
E-Mail: S.Rannow(at)


Project approved within the INTERREG IV B Central Europe programme, 2nd call


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